Sure Ross, Futurism is an end times doctrine created by the Jesuits in the 1500s, after the Reformation in 1517. It's purpose was to take the spotlight off the Biblical AntiChrist, the Papacy, who the Protestants up until 100 years ago unanimously agreed was the Man of Sin. True Protestantism believes in Historicism, which understands prophecy as a day for a year (like Daniels 70 week prophecy), which includes the 1260 days, or 3.5 years, or 42 months spoken about the reign of the AntiChrist, which was from 538 AD, when the Pope became the ruler of the Holy Roman Empire until 1798, when the Pope was taken down by the French Revolution.
The AntiChrist power, Mystery Babylon (Roman Church) and the city that rules the world, the Vatican, have created all of the modern enemies we have today and yesterday -- Islam, Atheism, New Age, wokeism, communism, Zionism, etc.
Now, the Protestants must unite with the same power that murdered 50 million of our brothers and sisters throughout the iron fisted reign of the AntiChrist, in order to fight off the enemies they created, which will work to destroy them and create a NWO -- the Protestant Reformation is the only reason why there hasn't been a one world order power for the last 500 years, but that is changing as they have deceived and trained the Protestants to be Catholic, or at least ecumenical that believe in Catholic doctrine.
Essentially, the US is simply a proxy for the power that rules the world. The middle east is just their excuse to create more wars that will lead to their NWO.
I tried to keep that short Ross, it is complex, yet simple when you know your enemy and what they have done -- it is history.